Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Just like social and emotional health, physical health is crucial to a child’s wellbeing. Our Occupational Therapy program provides specialized treatment and support to children and families to bolster healthy independence.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is designed to build basic motor and sensory skills. It enables children to be successful and independent in play, self-help skills, social interactions, and general learning.
Our clients include children with fine- and gross-motor delays, perceptual motor delays, coordination challenges, eating and swallowing challenges, and behavior challenges related to sensory processing.
Our Pediatric Occupational Therapy Program Can Provide Support for Children Affected By:
Brachial Plexus Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Sensory Processing
Meet our Occupational Therapy Team
Learn about our providers and the care available to clients.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process to get started?
Begin by scheduling an appointment – see the ‘How do I make an appointment?’ tab below.
Following your evaluation appointment and discussion of results, the therapist will send a copy of the evaluation to your child’s physician. We require a physician’s signature on all care plans. Some insurance companies require prior authorization for therapy services. This means that either we or your physician have to send information to the insurance company for their review. They will decide if they will authorize therapy services for your child. After receiving authorization, a treatment appointment will be scheduled. If no authorization is needed, a treatment appointment will be scheduled at the time the evaluation results are discussed.
What are your hours?
All of our sessions are by appointment only. Our general hours are Monday–Friday 8am–6pm and Saturday by prearrangement.
How do I make an appointment?
Contact us at 541-757-8068 and ask for the intake person, who will ask questions about your child’s therapy needs, information from your physician and insurance information. We will contact your insurance company to verity benefits for your insurance plan. This is not a guarantee of coverage by your insurance company but will give us some information to get started. We may suggest that you contact your physician’s office to get a medical prescription. We will help you to know what to ask your physician. Once we have the insurance information, we will contact you and discuss whether or not you want to schedule an appointment.
What do I need to bring to my child’s first appointment?
Please arrive 15 minutes early in order to fill out some paperwork. Bring your insurance card (please bring all cards if you have more than one plan). If your child has had evaluations done at other facilities such as Early Intervention, CDRC, Shriners Hospital, etc, please bring copies of the reports.
What should my child wear to therapy?
Comfortable, stretchy, but not too loose or too bulky clothing is best, so your child will be able to move readily without restriction. It is also a good idea to have a sleeveless top and shorts available for your child to change into, particularly with physical therapy. Sometimes the therapists need to have a better look at upper or lower extremity joints, including the joints above and/or below the one that appears to be affected.
What if my child does not feel well?
Please do not bring your child to an appointment if they are sick, have recently been sick, or if they have been recently exposed to someone with the symptoms of contagious illness. We work with children and know that children do get sick. We do not want others to be exposed to a contagious child. Please give us as much notice as possible when canceling.
What will the evaluation session look like?
The therapist will work with you and your child. We will get the most information about your child’s needs if they can participate as much as possible in the evaluation and if you also share what you have observed. The evaluation will last one hour. The therapist will give you some idea at the time of the evaluation as to their initial impressions about your child’s needs.
When and how will I get the results of the evaluation?
You will leave the evaluation understanding your child’s basic strengths and weaknesses. The therapist might make a follow up appointment with you at the time of the evaluation to either meet and discuss the results, or to call and discuss the results. If you meet with the therapist, a written copy of the evaluation will be presented to you at that time. If you talk by phone, a copy of the evaluation will be sent to you before your scheduled phone call. Included with the written report will be a copy of goals that you, your child if able and the therapist will decide together. This should all occur within 2 weeks of the initial evaluation.
How are therapy services paid for?
We bill medical insurance, if that is available. We expect clients to pay deductibles and copayments at the time of treatment. Our billing office is happy to make payment plans with families. We accept cash, check or credit cards.
Are copays due at the time of treatment?
Yes. This saves you from getting a bill each month. You should be told at the time of your visits the amount of your copayment.
How long is each session?
Each session is generally 1 hour, which allows 50 minutes for treatment and 10 minutes to discuss the session and explain the home program. We prefer that a caregiver is present at the session so that we can demonstrate activities for you to do with your child. This also gives you a chance to share your experiences with your therapist. We strive to be sensitive and respectful of other clients and families who are working in the same space and strive to be punctual with the start and end of each session.
What is your cancellation policy?
Because treatment space is tightly scheduled and therapist time is limited, canceling or rescheduling at least 24 hours in advance is required. Parents will be called the day before to remind them of all appointments.
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